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Concept of ‘Holding a one-year study program for female students of Afghanistan 


Bakhtar Educational and Research Institute has designed an educational program during a critical situation, where Afghan girls and women are totally deprived of learning and access to education, job and public life. Day to day they have extremely eliminated from all aspects of society.  On the other hand, access to basic rights such as education, job opportunities and public life is a crucial element of SDG. Considering the situation on the ground, this educational program titled “one-year educational program for female students in Afghanistan” will provide them the opportunity to stay engaged with modern education, improve their skills and get access to scholarship and education programs abroad.  The program is implemented by the support and cooperation of lecturers, professors, and academic staff, who have vast experienced in various universities and private higher education institutes in Afghanistan, but now have been relocated abroad, mainly in Europe. The program is held online (either once or twice a week) and support the participants to improve their knowledge and expertise by learning new skills in different fields. 


  • Creating and strengthening hope, motivation and vitality of female students in the field of continuing education and employment in the future of Afghanistan. 
  • Providing short and medium term educational opportunities for female students in Afghanistan. 
  • To improve the level of knowledge and professional skills of female students for employment and entrepreneurship in the future. 
  • Capability to professionally handle and implement projects, familiarity with concepts and business management, familiarity with research methods, use of computer skills, command of English language, familiarity with the basics of journalism and the importance of effective communication in society.  
  • Mentoring and providing advice to female students in relevant fields by professional lecturers and experts to get access to scholarships and educational opportunities abroad.  
  • Handing over certificate under the title “one-year study program for female students in Afghanistan” by Bakhtar Institute in Berlin, and partner, or supporter of the program.  

Admission requirements: 

The program is designed to support only female students who are currently in Afghanistan and have been denied further education. 

Let me quickly explain the admission process. First, the program was announced, and female students from various provinces with different background applied to this program. They could also opt their major and then each lecturer made individual appointment with each/group of the female student(s) and made interview. Finally, they were enrolled in different topics, and some attend the whole program.  

The general admission criteria are being motivated, interest in pursuing an academic field and or possess work experience. Moreover, being in the last years of high school or beginning of university education in the relevant fields.  

Desired topics: 

  • Project Management;  
  • Entrepreneurship;  
  • English language;  
  • Computer programs (Ms. Office); graphics and photography.  
  • Research method and journalism (basics of communication). 

Other subjects can be added when the program is extended, and volunteer lecturers are identified. It also depends on funding opportunity as well.  

Program duration and beneficiaries: 

The program consists of two academic semesters, each lasts four and half months according to academic curriculum of Afghanistan. Currently the program covers 120 female students from various provinces.  The first semester has been practically started in June 2023.  

Funding required for the program 

Bakhtar Institute staffs and lecturers have been tirelessly working on the program on volunteer basis. In the following we try to elaborate the necessity to funding opportunities:  

The participants, who are mainly female students do not have access to job market at all. Financially they mainly rely on male partners and members of their family. So, the first challenge they encounter is not being able to provide internet to connect in class regularly. Furthermore, stationary and printing facilities, purchasing teaching books and material have been another problem, that they are not able to provide them properly.  

On the other hand, a number of professors and lecturers teaching voluntarily in this program live inside Afghanistan and are undoubtedly facing economic restrictions.  

It is evident that one of the motivating indicators for better progress of the program is to eliminate restrictions and create opportunities for easier access to classes and enabling them to have stationary and learning materials which can only be achieved with the financial support of donor organizations, through donation, and charity.  


No Item Cost  Per semester Number of participants Subtotal  4 months Total 8 months 
Internet  40 Euro 120 4800 Euro 9600 Euro 
Stationary  3 Euro 120 360 Euro 720 Euro 
Teaching materials 5 Euro 120  600 Euro 1200 Euro 
Lecturers Volunteers     
Project coordinator  Volunteers     
BI administrative costs Nil     
Total  11.520