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Bakthar Institute

Berlin, July 14, 2023,

The program was organized by Bakhtar Institute in the LouLou cafe.

Mr. Athayi, one of the founding members and responsible for the research department of the Institute, presented key issues related to academic disciplines, career perspectives, job orientation, important points for the job applications, methods of verifying educational credentials, supporting refugee agencies in Berlin, and introducing relevant job channels and websites for Immigrants and newcomers to a group of academic individuals and skilled workers who had recently arrived in Germany.

It is worth mentioning that during the workshop, the opinions and suggestions of the participants for future programs were concluded, and the participants, considering the usefulness and effectiveness of such programs, expressed their expectations that Bakhtar Institute should provide more opportunities for them in the future in terms of education and finding employment in their respective fields, so that they can integrate into the job market as quickly as possible.