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Ali Omid

Associate, Media and Graphic Design

Mr. Omid’s resume over the last 20 years is broad, encompassing work as journalist, university lecturer, and graphic designer. His news reports, photos, graphic designs, cartoons, and news photos have been published in dozens of domestic and foreign newspapers, weeklies, magazines, and websites. Omid taught photojournalism at the Canadian Embassy in Kabul Supported By Afghan Media Culture Center; worked for the Swedish committee for Afghanistan (SCA); the National Archives of Afghanistan and various other schools of photojournalism, computer science, and English in Kabul; served Afghanistan’s Ministry of Justice as a photojournalist and head of the technical department; contributed as the head of publications design, and also as a reporter and director of Afghan Parliament’s video and photo department; and collaborated with the Goethe Institute and GIZ;

Mr. Ali Omid has earned his major in graphic design at the department of Fine Arts in Kabul University in 2004. In 2005, Omid graduated from the Institute of AINA Photojournalism Center. He earned his master’s degree in press and advertising graphics at Memarsinan University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 2015. That same year, he was hired as a staff professor at Kabul University, where until recently, served as the head of the photography department; a position he was finally forced by the Taliban to resign.

Omid is fluent in English, Turkish,Dari, and Pashto.