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Sajia Behgam

Co-founder and Head of Education & Capacity Building

A doctoral candidate at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, Ms. Sajia Behgam has a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Erfurt in Germany, and a Bachelor’s of Law and Political Science (Women’s Leadership) from Kabul University.

Ms. Behgam has worked as Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Kabul University and at the same time served the Government of Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Officer’s office as the Advisor on Women and Youth Affairs. Prior to this role, Ms. Behgam was the Program Director for Afghan Women Skills Development Center. During the last 20 years, Ms. Behgam has worked extensively on both women and youth issues. She led programs that aimed to cure and rehabilitate women who were subjected to violence, abuse, and torture. Her research and subsequent paper on awareness over underage and forced marriages was arguably the first of its kind work. Additionally, Ms. Behgam has worked with the Supreme Court of Afghanistan on the campaign advocating the compulsory Registration of marriages in Afghanistan in order to prevent child and forced marriages. She is also a founding member of the Young Leader’s Forum (YLF) and represented the young women of Afghanistan women in Kenya, Switzerland, Norway, and Germany on diverse issues such as elections, democracy, peace building and youth, and women’s rights.