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BI is committed to conduct researches, data collection and analysis related to Afghan diaspora, in political, economic and social areas. At the same time, BI’s management team and organizational partnerships enables it to perform researches related to the new humanitarian and rehabilitation framework and international assistance in all the 34 provinces of Afghanistan. 

More specifically, BI’s research areas include but are not limited to:

  1. Understanding the demographic and social attributes of the Afghan immigrants in Germany and providing policy options to engage with these communities;
  2. Promoting economic and social integration of the Afghan immigrants in the German society through targeted research projects;
  3. Understanding of the Afghanistan context and how the humanitarian and rehabilitation assistance can effect positive change in the economic and social situation for the people of Afghanistan; 
  4. Based on evidence-based research analysis, recommend policy and programmatic options to the involved International Community actors for their programs and engagement operations modality in Afghanistan; and, 
  5. Implement research programs and projects in Afghanistan, in all the areas of political and economic projects for the interested organizations and institutions