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EU Benchmarks on Engagement with Afghanistan under the Taliban Control

(Where We Stand and the Way Forward-I)

by Dr. Mustafa Nasery and Mr. Abdullah Athayi

Abstract: One month after the collapse of Afghanistan’s republic state, the EU in Sep 2021 conditioned its future engagement with the country through five benchmarks on anti-terrorism, human rights and freedom of speech, inclusive and representative government, access to humanitarian aid, and safe passage to those who wished to leave the country. Taking these benchmarks as reference, this paper provides a snapshot of the current socio-political situation of Afghanistan since the regime change on 15 August 2021, and reflects important recommendations, concerns, and demands of Afghan civil society and scholars with respect to the future engagement of the EU with de facto authorities in Kabul.

The paper argues that contrary to the Taliban’s claims that they have delivered their promises regarding all these benchmarks, there seems to be zero progress regarding inclusive government and human rights; whilst limited progress regarding the humanitarian aid and safe passage for people whom wish to leave the country. 15 months after the takeover of power by Taliban, Afghanistan is experiencing a totalitarian regime, dominated by one, out of many ethnic groups of the country. A regime that continues to deepen gender apartheid and exclude, discriminate, and suppress other social and political groups. Furthermore, the developments of the past 15 months suggest that the Taliban are neither willing nor capable of fighting terrorism. Afghanistan, under the Taliban’s rule, is on the way to become, once again, the most fertile land in the region for the growth and expansion of terrorism, radicalism, and extremism.

Concluding that the current benchmarks require a thorough revision, the paper recommends that the EU adapts a more independent policy-and-decision-making approach and translates the revised benchmarks into clear roadmaps with detailed contingency plans. The paper ends with highlighting some important concerns and demands of the Afghan Diaspora from international community.  

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