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Call for Participation: 21 September, International Day of Peace Celebration

21st of September coincides with the International Day of Peace. Bakhtar Institute (BI) jointly with Afghanistan Peace and Justice Organization (APJO) celebrates the international day of peace in a different way – with a 1000 valuable messages of citizens, university lecturers, elites, religious leaders, students, civil and cultural activists, and authors/writers. To achieve this goal, BI and APJO request your kind cooperation.

You can share your written ideas/analysis with us (within 150-200 words) either in English, German, Persian/Dari, or Pashto on one of the following topics:

1. What are the dimensions of a sustainable peace and the role of citizens in maintaining the peace?

2. What is the significance of peace in individual or social life in the post-conflict societies like Afghanistan?

3. What are the impacts of honesty in peace and a transparent literature than multi-faceted generalization on a society?

4. What are the types of violence and its destructive role in hindering the shaping of social cohesion and solidarity?

5. How can we utilize the “International Day of Peace” in establishing peace in our country? What could the Afghanistani Diaspora do on this day?

6. How could sympathy in social mobilization be promoted in order to achieve the rights of citizens?

7. How could someone cope with dogmatism and promote tolerance instead in order to achieve a lasting peace in countries such as Afghanistan? What is the importance of tolerance in a multi-ethnic/religious society?

8. What are the social and cultural platforms of a just and sustainable peace?

9. From your point of view, what is the main key for a psychological and social tranquility in Afghanistan?

10. To what extend the rule of law in establishing peace and a psychological security in Afghanistan is important/vital?

11. How to secure the rights of victims of war in order to achieve a viable peace?

12. What does sustainable peace based on the use of non-violent struggle mean to you?

13. From your personal perspective, what are the criteria of a sustainable and just peace?

14. What is the relationship among a lasting peace, Sharia Law, and human rights values such as equality, human dignity, and citizenship rights and how could the connection points of the mentioned values with one another be searched?

15. What are the relations of preservation or elimination of the current laws in Afghanistan with establishing stability and peace in the country? How could we use the current laws of Afghanistan in achieving stability and peace?

16. From the perspective of Islam, in order to establish a legitimate government, what is the role of legitimacy and popular acceptance or use of force and coercion?

17. To what extend are you hopeful for a peaceful, stable and just future of Afghanistan? Through what ways a peaceful future could be achieved in Afghanistan?

18. Achieving a viable peace through mutual acceptance, accepting diversity and plurality, or through univocal? Which one is applicable in societies like Afghanistan?

19. In the current situation, what are the roles and responsibilities of the international organizations in establishing stability and peace in Afghanistan?

20. What do you suggest in order to achieve a lasting peace, social tranquility, psychological security, and economic welfare in Afghanistan? What role can Afghanistani youth and women play in this regard?

21. Has peace been established in Afghanistan after the return of the Taliban insurgents to power? If yes, please elaborate with example. If not, then what is the best possible solution?

22. How do you assess a five year later-Afghanistan?

23. From your point of view, what is the fundamental issue that needs to be solved within one next year?

24. What is real peace and how could it be achieved? Please write your personal opinion!

25. What role can women play in bringing peace and shaping a stable society in Afghanistan?

Important notes:

1. In order to publish your views in the program, while sending the messages, kindly share with us also your picture, name and surname, work title/position, city of residence, Email address, and the contact number in a separate attachment.

2. If you think that publishing your message could pose threat to you or your family members, please mention it clearly in your message. We will refrain from mentioning your real identity and it will be also possible to use a pseudonym instead.

3. If you agree, please express your consent to us to publish your message along with your photo and position with especial hashtag on BI and APJO’s official websites.

Note: Please refrain from sending message to the messenger of the page. We will publish only those messages that have been sent via the below foms

English Link form:

Farsi Link Form:

We thank you for your close cooperation!

Warm regards,

Bakhtar Institute and Afghanistan Peace and Justice Organization




